三代 畠春斎 Hata Shunsai
1976 富山県高岡市に生まれる
1996 父二代畠春斎より釜づくりを習う
2009 日本工芸会 正会員
2007 第54回日本伝統工芸展 朝日新聞社賞
2013 第42回日本金工展 朝日新聞社賞
第60回日本伝統工芸展 NHK会長賞
第7回佐野ルネッサンス鋳金展 第1部門 大賞
2016 第45回日本金工展 熊本伝統工芸館賞
2018 第47回日本金工展 石洞美術館賞
2010 畠春斎襲名展 /ぎゃらりい栗本
2013 工芸からKOGEIへ/東京国立近代美術館工芸館
2014 個展/日本橋三越
第19回MOA岡田茂吉賞 /MOA美術館
2015 近代工芸と茶の湯/東京国立近代美術館工芸館
個展 /ぎゃらりい栗本
日本の鋳金 いもののかたち 展'15/埼玉県立近代美術館
2016 近代工芸と茶の湯Ⅱ/東京国立近代美術館工芸館
2017 個展/日本橋三越
2018 個展 /ギャラリーつばさ
2020 工の芸術-素材・わざ・風土/国立工芸館
2021 Japan: A History of Style/メトロポリタン美術館
近代工芸と茶の湯のうつわ -四季のしつらい-
1976 Born in Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture
1996 Learned production of tea urn from father Shunsai II
2009 Full member, Japan Kogei Association
2007 Received the Asahi Shimbun Prize at the 54th Japan Traditional Art Crafts Exhibition
2013 Received the Asahi Shimbun Prize at the 42th Japanese Traditional Metalwork Exhibition
Received the President of NHK Prize at the 60th Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition
Received the Grand Prize in Category 1 at the 7th Sano Renaissance Metal-casting Exhibition
2016 Received the Kumamoto Prefectural Traditional Crafts Center Prize at the 45th Japanese Traditional Metalwork Exhibition
2018 Received the Sekido Museum Prize at the 47th Japanese Traditional Metalwork Exhibition
2007 54th Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition / Mitsukoshi Nihombashi Main Store
2010 Solo Exhibition / Gallery Kurimoto
2013 From Crafts to Kogei / Crafts Gallery,The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
2014 Solo Exhibition / Mitsukoshi Nihombashi Main Store
The 19th MOA Okada Mokichi Award Exhibition / MOA Museum of Art
2015 Kōgei (Modern Crafts) and the Tea Ceremony / Crafts Gallery,The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
Solo Exhibition / Gallery Kurimoto
Japanese casting Exhibition-imononokatachi-'15 / The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama
2016 Kōgei (Modern Crafts) and the Tea CeremonyⅡ / Crafts Gallery,The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
2017 Solo Exhibition / Mitsukoshi Nihombashi Main Store
83 chosen treasures in Heisei / Yakushi-ji Temple
100 selections of HOPES next generation exhibition of the 110th anniversary of Mitsukoshi art / Mitsukoshi Nihombashi Main Store
2018 Solo Exhibition / Gallery Tsubasa
Special exhibition”Metal crafts”/Kanazawa Yasue Gold Leaf Museum
The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo (MoMAT) Crafts Gallery Collection/Ishikawa prefectural museum of art
Public Collections
The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
Yakushiji Temple
Sano city
The Metropolitan Museum of Art